Sometime in September or October my good friend J and I start planning our Christmas competition: Cleverest Themed Gift. We didn't mean for it to be competitive, but somehow each year hears one or other of us muttering, "YOURS was better this time, dammit!" not quite in the Spirit of Christmas... This year my theme was pretty basic.
J loves gardening and old books...
...fascinating worm poo!
A new box for compost stuff...
...and a Bridgewater bird and worm mug - sorted!
J's idea was this kit to help me on cold, early morning antique-ing trips...
...a lovely candle to warm my hands while I rub them with this luxury hand cream, or perhaps J's expecting power cuts this winter.
Super Scandinavian gloves - fingers free, ready for action!
A miniature hot water bottle, just 4 by 4 inches, can be popped anywhere that needs warming up
What on earth is this? A portable pin cushion for safety pins, just in case my knicker elastic fails?
A bright hair band so that Mr N can find me in the fog?
A handy necklace containing personal details in case I become lost and bewildered?
Oh, brilliant - a bag for treasure-seeking - I can't wait to get started!